Child abuse survey, 1984-1985.
Related Entities
There are 5 Entities related to this resource.
Minnesota. Dept. of Human Services. (corporateBody)
The Minnesota Children's Trust Fund was created by the Legislature in 1986 [Laws 1986 c423] to financially support community programs aimed at preventing child abuse and neglect. The law authorizes child abuse prevention councils in any county or group of counties that meets the criteria set forth in Minnesota Statute 119A.13. It also authorizes the Commissioner of Human Services, with the advice and consent of the advisory council, to disburse funds to private nonprofit and/or publ...
Morris, Kathleen M., 1959- (person)
Humphrey, Hubert H., 1942- (person)
Scott County (Minn.). County Attorney. (corporateBody)
Minnesota. Attorney General (corporateBody)
These cases had their genesis in a bill of complaint filed with the United States Supreme Court by the state of Wisconsin in 1922, seeking an injunction to restrain the state of Illinois and the Sanitary District of Chicago from diverting water from Lake Michigan through the Chicago River into the Des Plaines River and ultimately the Mississippi. This linkage, completed in 1900, not only facilitated navigation between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River waterways system, but a...